71 out of 100 people saw excellent improvement after 16 weeks because of the treatment.
(3/3 stars evidence)
These biologics are given by injection. They bind to the proteins which affect psoriasis.
This biologic is given by intravenous infusion (IV). It also binds to the proteins which affect psoriasis.
Treatment of moderate to severe plaque psoriasis in adults.
You may not be able to take this treatment if you:
Talk to your doctor to find out if this treatment is right for you.
You may not be able to take this treatment if you:
Talk to your doctor to find out if this treatment is right for you.
You may not be able to take this treatment if you:
Talk to your doctor to find out if this treatment is right for you.
You may not be able to take this treatment if you:
Talk to your doctor to find out if this treatment is right for you.
You may not be able to take this treatment if you:
Talk with your doctor to find out if these treatments are right for you.
You may not be able to take this treatment if you:
Talk to your doctor to find out if this treatment is right for you.
You may not be able to take this treatment if you:
Talk to your doctor to find out if this treatment is right for you.
You may not be able to take this treatment if you:
Talk to your doctor to find out if this treatment is right for you.
You may not be able to take this treatment if you:
Talk to your doctor to find out if this treatment is right for you.
71 out of 100 people saw excellent improvement after 16 weeks because of the treatment.
(3/3 stars evidence)
Between 67 and 86 out of 100 people saw excellent improvement after 12 weeks, depending on the treatment dosage.
(3/3 stars evidence)
Between 75 and 83 out of 100 people saw excellent improvement after 16 weeks, depending on the treatment dosage. (This evidence cannot be graded with stars).
47 out of 100 people saw excellent improvement after 12 weeks because of the treatment.
(3/3 stars evidence)
70 out of 100 people saw excellent improvement after 16 weeks because of the treatment.
(3/3 stars evidence)
82 out of 100 people saw excellent improvement after 24 weeks because of the treatment.
(3/3 stars evidence)
Between 77 and 89 out of 100 people saw excellent improvement after 12 weeks, depending on the treatment dosage.
(3/3 stars evidence)
72 out of 100 people saw excellent improvement after 16 weeks because of the treatment.
(2/3 stars evidence)
Between 67 and 81 out of 100 people saw excellent improvement after 12 weeks, depending on the treatment dosage.
(3/3 stars evidence)
Between 61 and 66 out of 100 people saw excellent improvement after 12 weeks, depending on the treatment dosage.
(3/3 stars evidence)
Between 66 and 75 out of 100 people saw excellent improvement after 12 weeks, depending on the treatment dosage.
(2/3 stars evidence)
2 out of 100 people may have a serious side effect when taking this treatment. This may include severe infections, blood disorders, allergic reactions, lupus, and cancers.
Other: Itching or swelling at injection site.
Pregnancy: No risk has been shown during pregnancy while taking this drug.
This drug may not be safe while breastfeeding. Let your doctor know if you are:
2 out of 100 people may have a serious side effect when taking this treatment. This may include suicidal ideation or behavior, severe infection, blood disorders, or irritable bowel disease.
Other: Joint pain, headaches, fatigue, diarrhea, throat pain, nausea, muscle pain, reactions at the injection site, and blood disorders.
Pregnancy: We don’t yet know how safe this is to take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Let your doctor know if you are:
2 out of 100 people may have a serious side effect when taking this treatment. This may include severe infections, cancers, heart failure, kidney disorders, nerve disorders, skin disorders, active Hepatitis B, tuberculosis, and blood disorders.
Other: Mild infections and rash.
Pregnancy: No risk has been shown during pregnancy or breastfeeding while taking this drug. Let your doctor know if you are:
2 out of 100 people may have a serious side effect when taking this treatment. This may include heart problems, cancers, skin disorders, serious infections, blood disorders, muscle disorders, nerve disorders, liver problems, allergic reactions, and lupus.
Other: Mild allergic reactions, mild irritation, or infection at injection site.
Pregnancy: No risk has been shown during pregnancy while taking this drug.
This drug may not be safe while breastfeeding. Let your doctor know if you are:
2 out of 100 people may have a serious side effect when taking this treatment. This may include serious infections or serious allergic reactions.
Other: Mild infections, headaches, joint pain, diarrhea, back pain, or reactions at the injection site.
Pregnancy: We don’t yet know how safe this is to take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Let your doctor know if you are:
2 out of 100 people may have a serious side effect when taking this treatment. This may include liver disorders, heart disorders, tuberculosis, severe allergic reactions, severe infections, cancer, lupus, blood or circulatory system disorders, and nerve disorders.
Other: Mild reaction at the infusion site.
Pregnancy: No risk has been shown during pregnancy while taking this drug.
This drug is not safe while breastfeeding. Let your doctor know if you are:
2 out of 100 people may have a serious side effect when taking this treatment. These may include severe infections, Crohn's disease or colitis, and blood disorders.
Other: Mild infections or reactions at the injection site.
Pregnancy: We don't yet know how safe this is to take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Let your doctor know if you are:
Serious: Some people have reported serious infections while taking the drug. We don’t know for sure the chances of having these side effects nor if the drug caused these side effects.
Other: Mild infections, headache, fatigue, diarrhea, and reactions at the injection site.
Pregnancy: We don’t yet know how safe this is to take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Let your doctor know if you are:
1 out of 100 people may have a serious side effect when taking this treatment. This may include inflammatory bowel disease and severe infections.
Other: Mild infections, allergic reactions, hives, diarrhea, or reactions at injection site.
Pregnancy: We don't yet know how safe this is to take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Let your doctor know if you are:
Serious: Some people have reported serious infections and severe allergic reactions while taking this drug. We don’t know for sure the chances of having these side effects nor if the drug caused these side effects.
Other: Mild infections, allergic reactions, or diarrhea.
Pregnancy: We don’t yet know how safe this is to take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Let your doctor know if you are:
2 out of 100 people may have a serious side effect when taking this treatment. This may include pneumonia, severe infections, and cancers.
Other: Pain or irritation at injection site, mild infections, headache, fatigue, dizziness, diarrhea, allergic reaction, and nausea.
Pregnancy: We don't yet know how safe this is to take during pregnancy or while breastfeeding. Let your doctor know if you are:
These involve injections every week, two weeks, or month. With some treatments, you can give yourself injections at home after practice at a clinic. You will need to visit a clinic for check-ups. These are sometime combined with topical or systemic treatments for better results.
Infliximab is taken a few times over several months. It is given by intravenous therapy (IV) and must be done by a health professional. It cannot be taken at home.
Prices vary but may cost more than $72,000 USD/year.
Prices vary but may cost more than $32,000 USD/year.
Prices vary but may range from $114,000 - $135,000 USD/year.
Prices vary but may cost more than $82,000 USD/year.
Prices vary but may cost more than $86,000 USD/year.
Prices vary but may cost more than $24,000 USD/year.
Prices vary but may cost more than $97,000 USD/year.
Prices vary but may cost more than $59,000 USD/year.
Prices vary but may cost more than $87,000 USD/year.
Prices vary but may cost more than $83,000 USD/year.
Prices vary but may cost more than $130,000 USD/year.
Prices are as of 2019 and may vary by region.
Click here for information about accessing and paying for treatment in Canada