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Rosacea Decision Aid

  • 1. Introduction

    Learn more about rosacea.

  • 2. My Rosacea

    Learn about your rosacea.

  • 3. My Options

    Read about available treatments.

  • 4. My Values

    Express what is important to you.

  • 5. My Trade-offs

    Compare treatments with your values.

  • 6. My Decision

    Your results and next steps.

  • 7. My Resources

    Learn more about rosacea.

My Rosacea


Which of these do you have?

How much do your abnormal skin sensations bother you?

How long have you had abnormal skin sensations?

How much does your facial redness bother you?

How long have you had facial redness?

How much does your flushing bother you?

How long have you had flushing?

How much do your pimples bother you?

How long have you had pimples?

How much does your skin thickening bother you?

How long have you had skin thickening?

How much do your blood vessel lines bother you?

How long have you had blood vessel lines?

How much does your eye or eyelid problems bother you?

How long have you had eye or eyelid problems?


Has anyone in your family been diagnosed with rosacea?

Have you tried any treatments before for your rosacea? (e.g. pills/creams/procedures/other)

The presentation, severity, and your experience with rosacea will help guide your values, treatment options, and decision-making in the following steps.